
A simple call or email is enough to start our collaboration

The sales mandate

The signing of the sales mandate gives Yachting 22 legally the right to market and sell your boat. A list of documents to provide will be requested to build your sales file


We are equipped with professional photographic equipment that allows to publish quality images and a detailed inventory is carried out. An advertise is produced and posted on all our platforms, usually three days later

Visits to your boat

Yachting 22 accompanies and assists buyers in their boat choice so that it corresponds to their needs and budgets, the buyer will be pre-qualified. The visit is carried out on site or remotely via video conference

The sales agreement

At the moment you agree on the price and the sale terms with the buyer, Yachting 22 drafts a sales agreement, a deposit is paid by the buyer on an escrow account

Sea trials and maritime expertise

Sea trials make it possible to check the proper functioning of the equipment and the behaviour of the boat. A maritime survey can be carried out, with a temporary dry out of the boat, to check the condition of the hull, the rudder and the submerged parts of the engines

The bill of sale and change of ownership

If everything is compliant, the bill of sale can be signed! The buyer pays the balance and the seller sends all administrative and technical documents to Yachting 22 so that the change of ownership can be done in due form.

Faire winds!